Saturday, October 26

Lincoln Center Campus, Fordham University
113 W 60th St, New York, NY

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Registration | Leon Lowenstein Building, 12th Floor Lounge

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Book Exhibit | Leon Lowenstein Building, South Lounge

8:00 am – 9:00 am
Coffee/Breakfast | Leon Lowenstein Building, 12th Floor Lounge

8:30 am – 10:30 am
Session 5A: “Misbehaving” Women
 | LL 305
Chair: Ella Kirsh, University of Cambridge

The New Jezebel: Constructing a Biblical Queen in Byzantine Invective
Briana Grenert, Duke University

“The Share of This Diaconate”: Recognizing Women’s Agency in the Vitae of St.
Laura Wilson, Antiochian House of Studies

“And in Her Prayers, She Begged God, ‘…Take Away the Fruit of My Sin Which I
Have Born….’ ”: Maternal Regret in Early Female Asceticism
Candace Buckner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Orthodox or Occult? The Material Culture of Reproduction in the Middle Byzantine Period
Caitlin Mims, Florida State University

Session 5B: Art and Nature in Byzantium | LL 524
Session Organizers: Robert Nelson and Amy Gillette
Chair: Nancy Patterson Ševčenko

Byzantine Birds
Robert Nelson, Yale University

The Forest in Byzantine Landscape Painting
Benjamin Anderson, Cornell University

The Identifying Traits of Birds and Beasts of Prey in Written Texts and Popular Images
Eunice and Henry Maguire, Johns Hopkins University

Ways of Thinking about Flowers in Byzantine Sacred Art
Amy Gillette, The Barnes Foundation

Session 5C: Small Object, Big Picture: New Insights into Middle Byzantine
Matters from Coins, Seals, and Textual Fragments
| LL 1124

Session Organizer: Niels Gaul

Empire of Saints: Niketas David Paphlagon’s “Secret History” Reconsidered
Bilal Adıgüzel, University of Edinburgh

Growing Up in his Father’s Image. Constantine V’s Changing Portrait on the Coinage of Leo III (720–741) as a Case Study of Promotion and Popularity
Ivan Maric, Dumbarton Oaks

Rise of Second Names Rise of the Aristocracy?
Clément Adoir, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Analogical Investigations from Constantinople to Kaifeng: Byzantium and Song
China as Empires of Learning in the Long Eleventh Century
Niels Gaul, University of Edinburgh

10:30 am – 10:45 am

10:45 am – 12:45 pm
Session 6A: Graduate Student Session Sponsored by the Byzantine Studies
Program, Dumbarton Oaks
 | LL 305
Chair: Nathanael Aschenbrenner, Bard College

Burial Ambitions in Kievan Rus’: The Sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise
Luke Hester, Case Western Reserve University

Portrait, Assemblage, Microhistory: Interpreting the Kratigos-Mytilene Hoard and the Family Who Buried It
Allison Grenda, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

“This Beautiful Spot”: Armenian Monastic Landscape at Tat’ev
Whitney Kite, Columbia University

Serving Tongue: Aesopica in Morgan MS. M. 397 and the role of Greek in medieval Italy
Nastasya Kosygina, University of California, Irvine

Session 6B: Byzantium Beyond Byzantium |LL 524
Chair: Ariel Fein, Institute for Advanced Study

The Palma Passion Panel and Palaeologan Painting in the Age of Milutin
Amy Neff and Anne Derbes, University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Hood College

Integrated Views in Post-Byzantine Church Designs: The Case of Pătrăuți Monastery
Alice Isabella Sullivan and Vladimir Ivanovici, Tufts University and University of Lugano

1453 is not the End: Byzantine Traditions in Post-Byzantine Epigraphy.
The Case of Metrical Inscriptions
Andreas Rhoby, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Searching for the Origins of Zacharias Kalliergis’ Script: An Unknown Manual for
Greek Scribes and Typographers (?)
Elias Petrou, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Session 6C: Icons and Iconography | LL 1124
Chair: Jacquelyn Tuerk-Stonberg, Kean University

The Seat of Mary in Early Christian Iconography: Illuminating Marian Devotion
Michelle Keefe, Yale University

Byzantine Icons, Liturgical Objects, and Veneration
Evan Freeman, Simon Fraser University

Pilgrimage and Martyrial Multivalency along the Lycian Coast: An Iconographical
Case Study of Two Sixth-Century Syrian Bracelets
Serena D’Alessandro, Florida State University

Earthly Architecture in Heavenly Icons: Represented Architecture in Early Byzantine Icons and its Role in Veneration
Anna Carroll, The Graduate Center at City University of New York (CUNY)

12:45 pm – 2:30 pm
BSANA Business Lunch
| 12th Floor Lounge
All registered attendees are welcome!

2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Session 7A: Relief Art in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Materiality and
Meanings of Making Space (ca. 400–1400)
| LL 305
Session Organizers: Jessica Plant and Elisa Galardi
Chair: Benjamin Anderson, Cornell University

“Authentic” Images: The Byzantine & Byzantinizing Relief Icons of the Basilica di San Marco
Sarah Cohen, Columbia University

Plaster “Incrustations” Between Sculptural and Imaginative Planes in Late Antiquity
Jessica Plant, University of Cambridge

Between Ornament and Practicalities. Discussing the Role of Sculpture in Shaping
Windows of Rural Churches of Greece
Flavia Vanni, Newcastle University

Weaving the Exterior of Churches in Late Byzantine Thessalonike Sofia Pitouli and Catherine Volmensky,
University of California, Los Angeles and University of British Columbia

Session 7B: Byzantium and Africa | LL 524
Chair: Andrea Achi, Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Neglected Nubian Realms: A Byzantine-Nubian Syncretism Case Study
Artur Obluski, University of Warsaw

Aidesia of Alexandria and the Social Worlds of Late Antique Philosophy
Colin Whiting, Dumbarton Oaks

Gädlä Gärima: A Six Century Textual Witness for Ethiopian Mythology and Monastic Ties between Axumite and Roman Empire
Teweldeberhan Mezgebe, St. Yared Center for Ethiopian Philology and Manuscript Studies

A Freudian Slip in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu?
Daria Elagina, Universität Hamburg

Session 7C: Byzantium in Comparative Frameworks | LL 1124
Chair: Shaun Tougher, Cardiff University

Through a Glass Darkly: Byzantine and Islamic Diversity Management after 950 CE
Thomas A. Carlson, Oklahoma State University

Early Byzantine Relic Veneration, East and West: A False Dichotomy
Michelle Freeman, University of North Carolina

Nomadic Bones, Network Building, and The Hellenistic Heritage of Relic Translation
Sunil Persad, Stanford University

Island Networks, Boundaries, and Transferability: The Elaphiti Archipelago and the Renegotiation of Islandness
Franka Horvat, University of California, Los Angeles

Session 7D: Digital Tools and Projects for Medieval and Byzantine Art: Value, Impact, and Challenges | LL 311
Session Organizer: Maria Alessia Rossi and Alice Isabella SullivanChair: Alice Isabella Sullivan, Tufts University
Chair: Alice Isabella Sullivan, Tufts University

Smarthistory and Byzantine Art: Writing an Accessible Digital Art History
Ariel Fein, Institute for Advance Study

Mapping Eastern Europe: Connecting Students and Scholars
Maria Alessia Rossi, Princeton University

Fifty Ways of Seeing Islamic Art: Khamseen and Islamic Art History Online
Michelle Al-Ferzly, Yale University

4:30 pm – 4:45 pm

4:45 pm – 6:45 pm
Session 8A: Reconfiguring the Past | LL 305

Chair: Manolis Ulbricht, University of Notre Dame

John Lydus and the Sibyls in Byzantium
Sviatoslav Dmitriev, Ball State University

Living in an Old Politeia: The Ancient and Recent Past in Kekaumenos
Arie Neuhauser, University of Chicago

Unraveling an Antiquity: The Role of “Origin” in the Obelisk of Theodosius in the Fourth Century
Madison Gilmore-Duffy, Florida State University

Re-imagining Rome: Irene, Imperial Representation, and the Crossroads of Power
Julie Pace, The Westminster School

Session 8B: Saints and Sensibility in Byzantine Hagiography | LL 524
Chair: Candace Buckner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State College

The Life of St.Nephon (BHG 1371z): a Most Underestimated Piece of Byzantine Hagiography
Sergey Ivanov (Northwestern University)

The Ambiguity of the Mauroi in The Life of St. Paul the Younger
Tyler Wolford, Cornell University

Divine Dust: The Martyrdom of Irene and the Ecological Imagination of Holy Bodies and the Earth in Late Antique and Byzantine Literature
Bailey Freeburn, Brown University

The Life of Empress Eirene and St. Philaretos’ Kin
Alexander Riehle, Harvard University

Session 8C: Byzantine Political Culture and Practices | LL 1124
Chair: Roland Betancourt, University of California, Irvine

Civic Religion, Citizenship, and Exclusion in the Eastern Roman Empire
Leonora Neville, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Oaths in a Book vs. Oaths in the Books: The Peira of Eustathios Rhomaios and the Middle Byzantine Historians
Daniel Berardino, University of California, Berkeley

Clever with their Hands: Artistic Virtuosity and Skilled Labor as Instruments of Byzantine Imperial Power
Shannon Steiner, Independent Scholar

Late Byzantine Elites and Imperial Injustices in the Historical Works of Gregoras and Kantakouzenos
James Cogbill, University of Oxford and Princeton University

8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Guided Tour of St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center at
Ground Zero with John Cotsonis

130 Liberty Street, New York, NY