
The organizers are grateful for conference funding provided by Eva Badowska, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Maura Mast, Dean of Fordham College at Rose Hill; Laura Auricchio, Dean of Fordham College at Lincoln Center; George Z. Hong, Chief Research Officer at Fordham’s Office of Research; and J. Patrick Hornbeck II, Interim Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. We appreciate the generosity of Distinguished Professor Maryanne Kowaleski (History and Medieval Studies). We gratefully acknowledge the support of our co-sponsors at Fordham: the Program in Comparative Literature, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, and the O’Connell Initiative on the Global History of Capitalism, under the direction of Professor Christopher Dietrich. We would especially like to acknowledge the funding provided by Tyler Stovall, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, whose untimely death in December 2021 we mourn as a great loss to the University and to his colleagues.

Special thanks go to the graduate student workers who helped make this event possible: Grace Campagna for her design of the conference poster and website; and the graduate assistants who provided essential help in preparing materials and in overseeing and troubleshooting the hybrid event: Daniel Berardino, Isabelle Bunten, Grace Campagna, and Alana Kilcoyne. And we thank Dr. Christina Bruno, Associate Director of the Center for Medieval Studies, for her work on logistics and administrative support.