
The organizers are grateful for conference funding provided by Maura Mast, Dean of Fordham College at Rose Hill; Laura Auricchio, Dean of Fordham College at Lincoln Center; Ann Gaylin, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; and the International Courtly Literature Society – North American Branch.

The International Courtly Literature Society (North American Branch) would like to express our gratitude to Dhira Mahoney, whose bequest made this conference possible. A renowned scholar of courtly literature, Dr Mahoney received her training at Oxford and the University of California, Santa Barbara, and spent her academic life at the University of Arizona and Arizona State. She was a longtime member of ICLS-NAB and served as its Secretary/Treasurer from 1989-95. She was respected by her colleagues and beloved by her students. Dhira Mahoney’s legacy continues beyond her untimely death on January 24, 2019. We honor her life by dedicating her bequest to the support of “The Next Generation” with conference fellowships, research grants, and this conference. May her memory be a blessing.