
Saturday March 2

8:30 Check In & Light Breakfast | 12th Floor Lounge

9:00    Welcome & Opening Remarks | 12th Floor Lounge
Nicholas Paul | Center for Medieval Studies and Department of History, Fordham University

Susanne Hafner | Conference Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, German, Fordham University

9:15-11:15   Session I: Adaptation and Inheritance | 12th Floor Lounge
Session Chair: Jesse Izzo | Stanford University

From Amadís to Amos: Courtly and Prophetic Literature in Hayim Nahman Bialik’s Don Kishotte, Ish Lamansha (Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha)
S.J. Pearce | New York University

The Failures of Chivalric Masculinity in 20th- and 21st-century Caribbean Literature
Bailey Ludwig | Brandeis University

“‘The great good in her’: the Lady as Saint’s-Wife in a Thirteenth-Century La Vie de Saint Julien
Leonie Bramwell | University of Oxford

 “The Effeminate Hero: Gender, Genre, and an Inheritance of Statius”
Rosaleen Montague-Vaughan | University of Toronto

11:15-11:30   Coffee

11:30-1:30   Session II: Allegories of Love | 12th Floor Lounge
Session Chair: Brian Reilly | Fordham University

Allegories of Love: Black Sufi Devotion as Slavery Apologetics in Early Islamic Basra
Kristina Richardson | University of Virginia

Love Acquisition and Disability Gain in Guittone d’Arezzo
Catherine Bloomer | Brandeis University

Time as Narrative Structure: How the Conception of Love Shapes the Course of Time in Middle High German Romances
Julia Lorenz | University of Oxford

The Rei the Music Died: Mourning Angevin Kings in Limousin Lyrics
Patrick C. DeBrosse | Fordham University

1:30-3:00   Lunch (a list of local restaurants will be provided)

3:00-5:00    Session III: Science, Magic, and Time | 12th Floor Lounge
Session Chair: Andrew Albin | Fordham University

Morgan le Fay and the ‘Loathly Lady’ in Middle English Courtly Romance
Usha Vishnuvajjala | SUNY – New Paltz

Medieval Automata: Reconstructing Bodies and Imagining Artificial Intelligence Beyond the Court
Alicia Haniford | University of British Columbia

Astronomical Aspects of Episodic Structure in Medieval German Arthurian Literature
Walker Horsfall | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dreams, Knights and Mothers: The Influence of Exemplary Ghosts in Arthurian Romance
Lidón Prades Yerves | Universitat Jaume I

5:00    Reception | Cafeteria Atrium, Plaza Level

Reception with open bar (beer, wine, soda) and light refreshments – all are welcome